Monday, February 25, 2013

St. Paul's Episcopal Church


 "Inspired by the social theories of John Ruskin and A. W. N. Pugin (who designed the Gothic detailing for the Parliament Building in London), Richard Upjohn turned to Gothic architecture as a salve for the “sickness” of industrialization, and as an alternative to the “corruption” of the classical revival (with its pagan associations), which were viewed as emblematic of the spiritual crippling caused by industrial environments."


Tuesday, February 5, 2013


With in  the 450 acres Ashford Hollow Park resides over 250 large scale sculptures scattered through miles of hiking. The statues were created by Larry Griffis Jr. and some other international artists starting in the early 60's. Making this one of America's oldest and largest sculpture parks.

[he likes to Quail]

 The Castle

i love brightening and playing with the colors of my  photos.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Rain & Webs

Naturally it's a marshmallow world here around this time.


 But it's been mildly warm, leaving us with dreary rainy days.

I imagine Captain Planet's like...

Monday, January 28, 2013

Letchworth State Park pt.1

Here are a few photo's I made from" Letchworthe State Park" or 
The"Grand Canyon of the East,"
I've read this is known as one of the most scenically magnificent areas in the eastern U.S.

There are 66 miles worth of different wonderful trails.

 The Genesee River rushes through the gorge over three major waterfalls between cliffs. Some ranging as  high as 600 feet in certain places.


Everything about it is beautiful as you can see.